About Page - Personal Portfolio Website

Welcome to this personal portfolio website! We are delighted to present to you a platform that showcases one's collective works and achievements. This website has been thoughtfully engineered to provide a seamless updating experience without the need to delve into the complexities of the actual code.

Creators: The brains behind this endeavor are Kunal Pai, Parth Shah, and Harshil Patel. Each of us brings a unique set of skills and perspectives to this project, and together, we have created a space where we can share our passions and professional accomplishments with the world.

Open-Source Spirit: We believe in the power of collaboration and open-source contributions. As such, we invite and encourage fellow developers and enthusiasts to fork this project. Feel free to build upon it and customize it to suit your needs. However, we kindly request that if you decide to use our work as a foundation, you give proper credit to the original creators— Kunal Pai, Parth Shah, and Harshil Patel.

Customization Guide: We want this website to not only represent us but also serve as a template for others to create their personal portfolios effortlessly. To customize the website according to your preferences, follow these simple steps:

  1. Update Resume: If you wish to update your resume, it's as easy as navigating to the "jsons" directory under the "public" folder. There, you will find the JSON files that contain the content of different sections of the website. Locate the resume section and modify the respective JSON file with your latest achievements and experiences.

  2. Add a Blog Post: We encourage you to share your knowledge and experiences through blog posts. To add a blog post, place a Markdown file under the "blogs" directory, which is also located under the "public" folder. Along with the content, remember to include metadata to enhance the display of your post.

Our Commitment: As creators of this platform, we are committed to continuously improving it. We value your feedback and suggestions, so feel free to reach out to us with any ideas, bug reports, or feature requests. Together, we can make this a vibrant and user-friendly space for all.

Thank you for visiting our personal portfolio website. We hope you find inspiration and valuable insights here. May this website serve as a testament to the endless possibilities that arise when creativity, collaboration, and technology converge.

Keep exploring, keep learning, and keep growing!

With gratitude,

Kunal Pai, Parth Shah, and Harshil Patel